
Google Scholar Profile

Working Papers

Bosetti, Valentina, Italo Colantone, Catherine E. De Vries and Gorgio Musto (2025) Green Backlash and Right-Wing Populism. Working Paper.

De Kleer, Dirck, Catherine E. De Vries and Simon van Teutem (2025) Public Support for Pro-Climate and Counter-Climate Protests. Working Paper.

De Vries, Catherine E. and Diana O’Brien (2025) Women and the Wall: Gender Attitudes and Political Engagement in Unified Germany. Forthcoming in the Journal of Politics.

Dickson, Zachary P., Sara Hobolt, Catherine E. De Vries and Simone Cremaschi (2025) Public Service Delivery and Support for the Populist Right. Working Paper.



De Vries, Catherine, David Doyle, Hector Solaz & Katerina Tertytchnaya (2024) Money Flows: The Political Consequences of Migrant Remittances. Oxford University Press.




De Vries, Catherine E., Sara B. Hobolt, Sven-Oliver Proksch & Jonathan Slapin (2021) Foundations of European Politics: A Comparative Approach.  Oxford University Press.

Website with teaching resources



De Vries, Catherine E. & Sara B. Hobolt (2020) Political Entrepreneurs: The Rise of Challenger Parties in Europe. Princeton University Press.*+

* Featured in: Financiëele Dagblad, Politico, Trouw, Washington Post

+ Reviewed in: Medium, Party Politics, Acta Politica

De Vries, Catherine E. (2018)    Euroscepticism and the Future of European Integration. Oxford University Press. § # *+

§ Winner of the European Union Studies Association Best Book in EU Studies Award  

# Listed as top-5 book on Europe’s future by the Financial Times

* Featured in: Financial Times Foreign Affairs, NRC Handelsblad, Trouw,  Financiëele Dagblad ,  Politiken , OUP Blog, Wall Street Journal

Edited Volumes

De Vries, Catherine E., Dirk Leuffen & Frank Schimmelfenning (2023) Special Issue: Differentiated Integration in the European Union. European Union Politics 24(1): 3-235.

De Vries, Catherine E. & Gary Marks (eds.) (2012) Special Issue Dimensionality of Political Space. European Union Politics 13(2): 185-342.

Selected Articles

Cremaschi, Simone, Nicola Bariletto and Catherine E. De Vries (2025) Without Roots: The Political Consequences of Collective Economic Shocks. First View at American Political Science Review.

Cremaschi, Simone, Paula Rettl, Marco Cappelluti and Catherine E. De Vries (2024) Geographies of Discontent: Public Service Deprivation and the Rise of the Far Right in Italy. First View at American Journal of Political Science.

De Vries, Catherine E. (2023) How Foundational Narratives Shape European Union Politics. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 61(4): 867-881.

De Vries, Catherine E., Sara B. Hobolt & Stefanie Walter (2021) Politicizing International Cooperation: The Mass Public, Political Entrepreneurs, and Political Opportunity Structures. International Organization 75(2): 306 – 332.

De Vries, Catherine E., Bert N. Bakker, Sara B. Hobolt & Kevin Arceneaux (2021) Crisis Signaling: How Italy’s Coronavirus Lockdown Affected Incumbent Support in Other European Countries. Political Science Research and Methods, 9(3): 451 – 467 (lead article).

Solaz, Hector, Catherine E. De Vries & Roosmarijn De Geus (2019) In-Group Loyalty and the Punishment of Corruption. Comparative Political Studies, 52(6): 896–926.

De Vries, Catherine E., Sara B. Hobolt & James Tilley (2018) Facing up to the Facts: What Causes Economic Perceptions? Electoral Studies, ISSN 0261-3794. Featured in: Poynter

Tertchnaya, Katerina & Catherine E. De Vries (2018) The Political Consequences of Self-Insurance: Evidence from Central-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Political Behavior, DOI:

Tertchnaya, Katerina, Catherine E. De Vries, Hector Solaz & David Doyle (2018) When the Money Stops: Declines in Financial Remittances and Incumbent Popularity in Central Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. American Political Science Review, 112(4): 758-774. Corrigendum

De Vries, Catherine E. (2017) Benchmarking Brexit: How the British Decision to Leave Shapes EU Public Opinion. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, DOI:10.1111/jcms.12579. Featured in: Washington Post

Catherine E. De Vries & Hector Solaz (2017) The Electoral Consequences of Corruption. Annual Review of Political Science, 20: 391-408. Featured in:
Pacific Standard

Hobolt, Sara B. & Catherine E. De Vries (2016) Public Support for European Integration. Annual Review of Political Science 19: 413-432.

Hobolt, Sara B. & Catherine E. De Vries (2015) Issue Entrepreneurship and Multiparty Competition. Comparative Political Studies 48(9): 1159-1185.

Bakker, Ryan, Catherine E. De Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooge, Seth Jolly, GaryMarks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen & Milada Vachudova (2015) Measuring Party Positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2010. Party Politics 21(1): 143-152.

Van de Wardt, Marc, Catherine E. De Vries & Sara B. Hobolt (2014) Exploiting the Cracks: Wedge Issues in Multiparty Competition. Journal of Politics 76(4): 986-999.

De Vries, Catherine E., Armèn Hakhverdian & Bram Lancee (2013) The Dynamics of Voters’ Left/Right Identification: The Role of Economic and Cultural Attitudes. Political Science Research and Methods 1(2): 223-238.

Harbers, Imke, Catherine E. De Vries & Marco R. Steenbergen (2013) Attitude Variability Among Latin American Publics: How Party System Structuration Affects Left/Right Ideology. Comparative Political Studies 46(8): 947-967.

Schumacher, Gijs, Catherine E. De Vries & Barbara Vis (2013) Why Do Parties Change Position? Party Organization and Environmental Incentives. Journal of Politics 75(2): 464-477.

Adams, James, Catherine E. De Vries & Debra Leitner (2012) Which Subconstituencies Reacted to Elite Polarization in the Netherlands? An Analysis of the Dutch Public’s Policy Beliefs and Partisan Loyalities, 1986-1998. British Journal of Political Science 42(1): 81-105.

De Vries, Catherine E. & Sara B. Hobolt (2012) When Dimensions Collide: The Electoral Success of Issue Entrepreneurs. European Union Politics 13(2): 246-268.

De Vries, Catherine E., Erica E. Edwards & Erik R. Tillman (2011) Clarity of Responsibility Beyond the Pocketbook: How Political Institutions Condition EU Issue Voting. Comparative Political Studies 44(3): 339-363.

De Vries, Catherine E. & Erica E. Edwards (2009) Taking Europe to Its Extremes: Extremist Parties and Public Euroskepticism. Party Politics (15)1: 5-28 (lead article).

De Vries, Catherine E. (2007) Sleeping Giant: Fact or Fairytale? Examining the Impact of European Integration on National Elections. European Union Politics (8) 3: 363-385.

Steenbergen, Marco R., Erica E. Edwards & Catherine E. De Vries (2007) Who is Cueing Whom? Mass-Elite Linkages and the Future of European Integration. European Union Politics (8)1: 13-35.